Thought I'd share the free deal I found from
Southern Savers this week at Publix (you still have time to cash in on this).
We're free at Publix! Crest toothpaste and Oral B toothbrush! |
Right now at Publix, both the Crest toothpaste and Oral B toothbrush are $2 each. If you are like me, and you are a frequent Publix shopper, you should have received the "Savings are Stocking Up at Publix" mailer. It looks like this:
Yay! Free money at Publix! |
Inside this booklet there were coupons for $1 off Crest toothpaste and $1 off Oral B manual toothbrushes. Remember, these are store Qs, so you can couple them with the sale + manufacturer's Qs to get the BEST deals.
Right now you can find manufacturer's Qs for both in variations of -.50, -.75 and -$1. Luckily, I had them in the $1 value.
So, $2 sale price, minus $1 store Q and $1 manufacturer's Q = FREE.
I got lucky and we have an extra mailer that came to the house (mom also spends lots of $$ in Publix) so I'll be getting more, but this time it'll be .25 cent for the toothpaste.
Either way, the toothpaste is getting donated, but I'll keep the toothbrushes :)