Sunday, February 26, 2012

Four Years!

This past week we celebrated our fourth year of marriage. I have to take time to brag about Tim. He did good this year. And me, not so much. I did awful. But, let's start with bragging on him. We're silly and we try to stick to the theme of the year for anniversary gift giving. Last year the gift was "leather" and you can see what we did last year here. This year was linen. Tim bought these monogrammed towels for our guest bathroom (that is coming along quite nice). And yes, they say WS! He has always been so respectful of me and my last name. :)

Now, my epic fail. I waited til the last minute thinking I was going to get him a bathrobe. Too bad all the "man" robes in town look a little creeperish or Heffnerish. Blah! I even tried to find a nice one online, but none that met our budget. So, I'm lame, I went with sour patch kids, a card and then told him we'd buy him some shirts this weekend (which we haven't yet, but I know he could use a few new nice ones). 

Nice plug for The Cotton Blossom.


Firsts! New piece of furniture that requires assembly

Tim's parents bought us a console table, and I was determined to put it together myself. And I did...most of it...Tim had to help with the bottom shelf. :)


Girl power!

Finished piece.

More home decorating

Not sure if I shared these yet, but Tim hung some trivets on the wall in the kitchen of our new house.

Caturday Saturday: Back from extreme hiatus

It's been a bit since you've seen an update of this size...lots of kitteh photos this Caturday :)


She learned this from me, I like to sleep like this too.

From moving...


She's a funny cat.

She said she'd pay the mortgage this month.

He wrapped himself up in the blanket.

To hide from the world.

They love shoes.

This picture says everything...

We're besties.

OK can join us.

And my sick baby cat...

He came from outer space...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Even More Music Videos With History

Blink182 - Rock Show

This gem is because Tim and I basically started dating after a Flystyl concert. Man, I miss all of our band friends. This is all we did in our teen/college years.

The song that we had our first dance to on our wedding day...annnnnd

the song we were supposed to have our first dance to! The Cure Lovesong :)

And to catch me up on my days-to-videos, this is one of the most beautiful love songs from one of Tim's favorite bands (that for once, I'm pretty sure I got HIM into).

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Art of Couponing: Great Cereal Deal at Publix

All of the Kellogs brand cereals are 50% off at Publix today and tomorrow (Sunday). Most boxes are $3.79 - $4.29 each (so just divide those by half). Not too bad. But, it's even better when you use the coupon that SouthernSavers talks about here (I seriously cannot plug this woman and her blog enough, she has changed so many lives). $5 off 5 boxes. I read in the comments that someone used this opportunity to donate 35 boxes of cereal to a Ronald McDonald House in their area. Me, I'm probably being a little selfish and using this as an opportunity to get back on my Weight Watchers; I stocked up on Special K. I got 5 boxes of cereal for $5.73 ($1.15 a box basically). So then...according to the math, I saved 73% off each box.

Friday, February 17, 2012

More Music Videos

Incubus- Stellar:

Tim used to sing this to me hehe :)

Saves the Day - Nightingale

Tim and I have seen this band at least 4 or 5 times. I remember him and Katie Eubanks skipping outrounds (or throwing a round) so we could go to the Roxy in Atlanta to see them. :) And look, they both ended up lawyers anyways!

Rocking Horse Winner - Miss You


And I think that catches me up <3

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

<insert same old excuse about not posting here>

Now, for what I came here to blog about...Valentine's! I'm not really a big fan of Valentine's, but I'm not a hater either. But, I will say that this year I'm feeling quite sentimental and *lovey*

Today I woke up to finish making red velvet cake balls for Tim and his coworkers and when I got in the kitchen at 4:30 a.m. to finish them he had left a card in my purse with a huge bag of Sour Patch Kids :) So I went ahead and stuck his card in his bag and finished the cake balls quickly so I could go back to bed for a little while longer.

All day long I've just been reading people's posts on facebook and enjoying seeing everyone in a good mood. I don't think I've even seen the first negative comment about the day. Something I did see on facebook that inspire me was a post from my sweet friend Katie about her parents. Which of course prompted me to think of my favorite love song that I associate with my parents; The Gambler by Fun. I know I've shared it before, but just in case you haven't heard it, click below:

Which got me to thinking about some of my favorite songs that I associate with Tim. So between now and February 23 (our 4 year anniversary) I think I'm going to post short posts about some of our songs and their stories.

I'll start with:

Dashboard Confessional was probably one of the bands that represented the crazy emo-ness of our late 90s early 2000s dramatic teen years. But, this song is great and it makes me feel like a teenager with those crazy PTC kids.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dinner at Our House: Soup, Salad and Sandwich night

Just had to share because it was exciting to use my dishes :)

Homemade French Onion Soup, Turkey Sandwiches & Green Salad 

I really feel like the more we cook and clean the more normal we become. Love it!

Firsts! Wall Decor

We have had this clock in its original box for almost 4 years...

First! We hung a clock in the kitchen. :)
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