Monday, October 22, 2012

Date Night Movie Review: The Perks of Being A Wallflower

The Perks of Being A Wallflower
I have been looking forward to this movie for quite some time. I was so excited in September when I thought it was being released, only to have my little heart broken that it was limited release. But, luckily I was patient enough and it finally came to Columbus this week. Tim was not really looking forward to it, but he gave in and took me to see it last night. Needless to say, we both loved it.

TPOBAW is based on a book by the same name. I can't remember when I first read it, I think I was actually  a freshmen in college and I had borrowed it from Sarah, Tim's sister. Even though I was in college there was something about it that just hit me so hard, hit so close to home. I think that's the great thing about the book is that it perfectly captures that part of you that just struggles to figure it all out. In case you've missed it on my millions of facebook posts, here is the trailer:

I thought the movie was perfectly cast. I know that on message boards I read a lot of concern about Emma Watson for this reason or the other (my favorite negative remark has to be with people complaining about her eye color...seriously???). Emma was a perfect Sam. The whole cast was perfect.

I pretty much cried during the entire movie (note: do not wear eyeglasses to a movie you know you're going to cry during- it only makes things more difficult). Not because I was sad, but because I just kept feeling. It amazes me how deeply a book and/or a movie can make us feel. I think it really helped that the movie was written for screen and directed by the book's author. He really owned his characters and it showed throughout the entire movie. If you have the time, make it a point to see this movie soon!


  1. IF I ever got out of the house, I'd want to see this movie. Instead, I'll add it to my DVD list!

    1. I will probably buy it, so you can definitely borrow :) Speaking of, did Brook pass on the 3rd Hunger Games?


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