Tonight's BCS title game marks the end of the 2011 season. As an alum/avid fan of Auburn football it's a little bittersweet. Tonight our reign as champions ends, but luckily we come from a dominate conference :) I can't say I'm dying to watch tonight's game between LSU and Alabama- but I am going to watch.
And yes,
if I cheer at all (not like I'll be bouncing off the wall in my typical fashion), but if I'd the chance to pick the winner, I'd pick *gasp*
Alabama. Why? Not that I have to defend why but I'll give you a few reasons.
1- Keep it in the state. How cool would it be to say the state of AL had the past three national champions? I think it's good for the state and while I don't live in AL, I work there :)
2- I have way more Bama friends than LSU friends. No offense to the LSU friends, but there are maybe 4-5 of you I think. So if I'm going by the greater good the greater number of happy facebook statuses tonight would be a Bama win.
3- I will always invoke the nasty fight I witnessed at an LSU/Bama game where I saw an LSU fan pick a fight with an AU man holding his newborn. Super uncool.
4- Auburn/Bama have had a rough year with some unfortunate events/disasters and both schools really showed that this year they could rise above the sports rivalry and demonstrate some serious goodwill to their fellow Alabamian. This impressed me as a human being.
There you have it. For tonight, and just this once, I'll type Roll Tide, yall!