Saturday, May 19, 2012

My first Birchbox!


The goods!
So, I was disappointed that it took FOREVER to get here, but it did. I had Tim help me make an unboxing video too. I'll post that sometime maybe, ha! It's really really cheesy. But, to the important part, the contents:

1. Miracle Skin Transformer Body 20
2. Color Club Nail Polish (Disco Nap)
3. Dr. Jart + Water Fuse BB Beauty Balm 
4. Kiehl's Abyssine Cream+
5. Arquiste perfume

I'll post a review once I try them all out :)

1 comment:

  1. It's like getting a present in the mail ever so often. I like! Now you'll have to let us know which products pass or fail.


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